55 lines
1.7 KiB
55 lines
1.7 KiB
#import "@preview/cetz:0.2.2"
#set page(width: auto, height: auto, margin: .5cm)
#show math.equation: block.with(fill: white, inset: 1pt) //for not showing the grid on math
#cetz.canvas(length: 3cm, {
import cetz.draw: *
mark: (fill: black, scale: 2),
stroke: (thickness: 0.4pt, cap: "round"),
angle: (
radius: 0.3,
label-radius: .22,
fill: green.lighten(80%),
stroke: (paint: green.darken(50%))
content: (padding: 1pt)
grid((-1.5, -1.5), (1.4, 1.4), step: 0.5, stroke: gray + 0.2pt)
circle((0,0), radius: 1)
line((-1.5, 0), (1.5, 0), mark: (end: "stealth"))
content((), $ x $, anchor: "west")
line((0, -1.5), (0, 1.5), mark: (end: "stealth"))
content((), $ y $, anchor: "south")
for (x, ct) in ((-1, $ -1 $), (-0.5, $ -1/2 $), (1, $ 1 $)) {
line((x, 3pt), (x, -3pt))
content((), anchor: "north", ct)
for (y, ct) in ((-1, $ -1 $), (-0.5, $ -1/2 $), (0.5, $ 1/2 $), (1, $ 1 $)) {
line((3pt, y), (-3pt, y))
content((), anchor: "east", ct)
// Draw the green angle
cetz.angle.angle((0,0), (1,0), (1, calc.tan(30deg)),
label: text(green, [#sym.alpha]))
line((0,0), (1, calc.tan(30deg)))
set-style(stroke: (thickness: 1.2pt))
line((30deg, 1), ((), "|-", (0,0)), stroke: (paint: red), name: "sin")
content(("sin.start", 50%, "sin.end"), text(red)[$ sin alpha $])
line("sin.end", (0,0), stroke: (paint: blue), name: "cos")
content(("cos.start", 50%, "cos.end"), text(blue)[$ cos alpha $], anchor: "north")
line((1, 0), (1, calc.tan(30deg)), name: "tan", stroke: (paint: orange))
content("tan.end", $ text(#orange, tan alpha) = text(#red, sin alpha) / text(#blue, cos alpha) $, anchor: "west")
}) |