#import "../../template.typ": apply-template #show: apply-template #set page( header: [English on the 04.10.2024], ) #set text( lang: "en", ) = AB: Connecting ideas 1. Most methan emissions *derive from* humans and livestock animals. 2. The financial interests of companies *are incompatible with* the demands of environmentalists. 3. An increase in global temperatures *leads to* more extreme weather events, according to some scientists. 4. Germany's carbon emissions must *be in line with* #footnote[or *adhere with*] the _Paris Agreement_. 5. An environmentally friendly lifestyle *contradicts* travelling by plane. 6. The melting of ice caps *follows* the rise of global temperatures due to less reflected sunlight. 7. The disinterest of many politicians to solve the climate crisis *reflects* their inaction. 8. Many climate activists claim that eating meat daily *is in disagreement of* being environmentally conscious. 9. The popularity of student strikes clearly *follows the* climate inaction of politicians. 10. If the world's nations don't *follow* their CO2 budgets, a rise in sea levels is expected. 11. The increase in livestock farming *reflects* the consumer habits of people. 12. The claims of scientists must *derive from* their data. = AB: Cartoons The cartoon showcases the choice the reader has between saving the _economic climate_ or the _earth's climate_, another detail is, that both choices are green meaning the dollar bills or trees and plantlife. It resembles a voting sheet that has the reader choose their future.